Wednesday, March 7, 2012

8th grade Toy Sculptures

This was a great project where everyone worked at their own ability and created something that they were interested in and felt proud of.  Isn't that every art teacher's dream?  I took a "toy design" class at a gallery in SF that is known for alternative art like graffiti and small sculptures of creepy looking characters.  I have the toy I made in the art room and students are always asking me about it.  With their interest piqued, I took the creepy characters concept and turned it into a project for my 8th graders.  The premise was the students needed to create a character, animal, creature that they could envision being a "toy."  Many students thought about their concept for a couple of days and did several sketches until they were sure of what they wanted to do.  Others dove right in after one iteration.  Students sculpted their characters with clay and had to incorporate details and texture into the clay, along with color.  Then, students painted an environment for their sculptures by painting 2 boards that were glued together.  To my surprise, they were really "into" painting the backgrounds and many of them incorporated details and scenes into the painting, although I left this part somewhat open ended.  The students were proud of their sculptures in the end and loved seeing each others' creations.

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